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With our thanks for all you do to keep us safe, we hope this package helps to make your stay away from home a little more pleasant. Thank You! Care package included items frequently requested including toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, Avon Skin So Soft, lip balm, eye drops, candies, sunflower seeds, puzzle books, tuna fish, nuts, gum, a military Bible and more! We also included some items donated by Eckler's Chevy Classics - chip clips, little screwdrivers, measuring tapes and lots of Chevy Classics magazines! Before Packaging Packages Complete |
President: Frank Baker Vice President: Treasurer: Butch Riley Secretary: Linda Riggs Sergeant at Arms Spider Woman Club Email Address: 567hmccc@comcast.net Newsletter Editor email: c.g.anderson@comcast.net Contributions to the newsletter are welcome and encouraged!
MEMBER SUBMITTALS for publication in the newsletter are encouraged. If you have a tech tip, commentary, cartoon, item or article of interest or anything you wish to share with fellow members, please send to the above address. Maryland State Ed Zimmerman April Grammont CCI memberships are $39.99 per year and include a monthly magazine with tech tips, news and a parts catalog for stock & performance items for 1955 to 1972 Chevys