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Tri-Five Nationals at Beech Bend Raceway
Bowling Green, KY, August 10-15, 2015

Linda Riggs/Photos by Sissy |
A group of HMCCC members left on Monday, August 10 to drive the approximately 750 miles to Bowling Green, KY for the first ever Tri-Five Nationals at Beech Bend Raceway. After driving thru rain most of the day, we stayed Monday night in Morehead, KY and continued the next morning to Bowling Green. By noon on Tuesday, most of the rain was out of the way and we enjoyed bright sun for the rest of the week.
On the trip: David & Bonnie in their original restored ’56; Jim & Linda in their ’57; Butch & Sissy in their reddawg ’57; John & Janet in their original restored ’57; Joe Mecler in his ’55; Ed & Marsha with their ’55 gasser in a box and Richard & Julie Thompson (Jim’s sister and brother-in-law) in their 2013 Anniversary Corvette. Joining up with us later in Bowling Green were Lee Caplan in his ’55; Paul Schneider with Ray Lewis and his ’55 Gasser; Jack & Linda Flood in their ’56. |
HMCCC was well represented! Most of us were staying at the Country Inn & Suites, and after figuring out locations getting around wasn’t too much of a problem. Upon arrival, we unpacked and settled in and took off again, this time to Aviation Heritage Park where some really awesome airplanes were displayed in a park-like setting as a memorial to some distinguished aviators from Kentucky. Then we visited the 1921 Standard Oil Station in downtown which was one of Bowling Green’s first filling stations and has been totally restored and now cleverly serves as restrooms for the downtown park! Both stops were great photo ops. |
On Wednesday, we headed out to Mammoth Cave and had a great time in the cave and a walking thru the park.
It was a hot day! We also went to the Green River Ferry, a short ferry ride. Butch and Joe took their Classics over the river and back and Ed & Marsha took Richard and Julie’s Corvette for a jaunt! And then we cruised to the Historic Railpark & Train Museum, where Janet got us a private tour of the train cars on display despite the late time of our arrival. David & Bonnie opted for some antique shopping and a tour of Art’s Corvettes on their own. Thursday, we had a very nice private tour of the Corvette Assembly Plant and then enjoyed the Corvette Museum across the street. |
Thursday evening was the welcome “bbq” at the Holiday Inn with a huge showing of 55- 56-57 Chevys and our first look at just how large this show was going to be! Friday was the start of the show, and what a show! 1,858 were registered, and although not everyone brought a Classic, there was close to 1,800 cars and trucks at Beech Bend Raceway – more than you could see in 2 days! They had a fantastic vendors row, swap meet, drag racing, an autocross course, the GM Futureliner on display, the very first ’55 8 cylinder on display.


There were people at the show from at least 43 states and several countries, including Canada, Australia and South Africa. Lots of very unique and interesting vehicles. Friday night was the dance, and most of us attended. For some, the day was too long and hot and we hit the bed early to prepare for a second day of walking. At the dance, Woody’s Hot Rod Shop announced the formation of American Tri-Five, a new organization dedicated only to 55-56-57 Chevys. On Friday afternoon, the Top 25 as selected by Vintage Air were announced. Amongst the sea of beautiful Classics, our very own David & Bonnie Warfield with their original restored 6 cylinder, 3 speed 1956 was selected! |
They received a beautiful custom made trophy and got to drive down the dragstrip to great applause and appreciation from the crowd. What an honor! Saturday was another day of enjoying a great show, and then Saturday evening they gave away the ’55 built by Woody’s Hot Rod Shop. It went to a guy from Greenup, KY, the first ticket drawn. As we headed out of Beech Bend Raceway, we were surprised at how quickly traffic moved despite having so many cars, trucks and big trailers on the grounds |

Sunday morning, we all packed up to head for home. It was a great week and most of us said we’ll be back next year – August 12-13, 2016 in Bowling Green! Since the event sold out 19 hotels in the area, if you plan to go we recommend making reservations soon! In Bowling Green, we plan to stay again at Country Inn & Suites which had nice, large rooms, was very clean and had a great breakfast buffet. 270-781-7200.
Fortunately, we had only minor mechanical issues on the trip. Butch & Sissy’s ’57 kept overheating; Jim & Linda ran out of gas (AAA to the rescue!) and then an underdash connector came loose causing them to lose dash lights and rear lights; David & Bonnie’s ’56 needed a new battery (thanks to Ed who had one in his trailer) and needed a boost of oil (thanks to John who had some). Whew! On a trip this long, that was great! Many thanks to John Stein who mapped the route and selected our hotels, which were all terrific. Many thanks to Butch & Sissy who led the pack most of the journey!

President: Frank Baker 410-840-8089
Vice President: Ed Zimmerman
301-865-5270 ezclassics@comcast.net
Treasurer: Butch Riley
Secretary: Marsha Zimmerman
301-865-5270 mzclassics@comcast.net
Sergeant at Arms Paul Schneider
Spider Woman Sissy Riley (she
tends our web!) http://www.hmccc.50g.com/
Club Email Address: 567hmccc@comcast.net
Newsletter Editor Carroll Anderson
7018 Willow Tree Drive Middletown, MD 21769
email: c.g.anderson@comcast.net or phone:
Contributions to the newsletter are welcome and
publication in the newsletter are encouraged. If you have a tech
tip, commentary, cartoon, item or article of interest or anything
you wish to share with fellow members, please send to the above
Maryland State
Representatives For Classic Chevy International
Ed Zimmerman New Market, MD EZClassics@comcast.net
April Grammont Westminster MD (410)
876-8898 aprilg57@aol.com

CCI memberships are $39.99 per year and include a
monthly magazine with tech tips, news and a parts catalog for stock
& performance items for 1955 to 1972 Chevys