Saturday, October 26 – some members met at WalMart to do our annual shopping for the Golden Gears Toys 4 Tots Cruise Night. JR & Joanne, Jim & Linda, Butch & Sissy, John & Janet, Mike & Martie and new members John & Leslie Hagerty with their two girls met at WalMart to shop. We came away with 6 shopping carts of toys and 9 bikes! And we only went about $4 over our budget! How’s that for shopping smart!
Afterwards, Earl in his ’56, JR & Joanne in their Chevelle, Jim & Linda in their ’63 Olds Cutlass convertible, John Stein in his ’57 Ford, Janet Stein in new steel, Butch & Sissy and Mike & Martie in the pickups hauling the bikes, and John & Leslie and their girls in their pickup, presented our shopping “trophies” to Golden Gears. Then John & Leslie headed out to get their car – the ’32 Ford roadster Raffle Rod - and some of us headed to Mimi’s for a “quick” dinner. Hours later, when we finally got out of Mimi’s, we had missed John & Leslie and the cruise night was winding down. Sorry, we can’t recommend Mimi’s for a quick meal!
Congratulations to JR & Joanne who got a luck of the draw trophy!
Many thanks to Golden Gears who presented Heart of Maryland Classic Chevy Club with a very special plaque in appreciation of our support of their Toys 4 Tots cruises.