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Ali Ghan Shriner's Check Presentation
Proceeds from the CCI 2007 Convention, Hagerstown, MD Ali Ghan Shriner's Check Presentation In a fitting sequel to the Hagerstown Convention, a delegation of HMCCC members recently traveled to Cumberland, MD to present a check to the Shriners. The Ali Ghan Shriners provide transportation for sick children and their families to Shriners Childrens Hospitals and HMCCC’s $3767.63 donation will be used in the purchase of a Toyota mini-van for that purpose.
All of the delegation feels it was an honor to represent HMCCC in making this presentation. Convention Chairman Carroll Anderson said tapping Ed to make the presentation was his last, and best, delegation.
President: Frank Baker Vice President: Treasurer: Butch Riley Secretary: Linda Riggs Sergeant at Arms Spider Woman Club Email Address: 567hmccc@comcast.net Newsletter Editor email: c.g.anderson@comcast.net Contributions to the newsletter are welcome and encouraged!
MEMBER SUBMITTALS for publication in the newsletter are encouraged. If you have a tech tip, commentary, cartoon, item or article of interest or anything you wish to share with fellow members, please send to the above address. Maryland State Ed Zimmerman April Grammont CCI memberships are $39.99 per year and include a monthly magazine with tech tips, news and a parts catalog for stock & performance items for 1955 to 1972 Chevys