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Photos by Artie Shelton Alzheimers Show Sept 17, 2017 |
Many thanks and lots of applause to our hardworking co-chairs for the show – Ed Zimmerman and Butch Riley - for organizing and presenting another spectacular show. It was a beautiful day, although a bit toasty in the afternoon. In twenty-five years, we have only had to use the raindate twice - in 1995 and in 2002.
When we arrived to set up, we already had cars lined up and rolling in for a show that was supposed to start at 10:00! Wow. By the end of the day, we had 330 cars and trucks and motorcycles on the show field!
Butch is still counting the money we made selling t-shirts, the raffles, the auction, registration, spectator’s gate and donations, so we hope to have a total soon.
HMCCC was honored to receive three proclamations in recognition of our 25 year long association with the Alzheimer’s Association. Frederick County Executive Jan Gardner presented a Certificate of Recognition on behalf of Frederick County. Frederick Mayor Randy McClement presented a Proclamation on behalf of the City of Frederick. And the Alzheimer’s Association presented a commendation.
Special thanks to those who made sizeable donations: Aspen Hill Shell; Golden Gears; Becky & Jim Gloyd; Wastler Automotive in Taylorsville; Robert Lillard; William Hipkins; Sugarloaf Mountain Region AACA; Butch & Sissy Riley; Herb Rieger; Elizabeth & Ray Booth and Kingsley Edwards.
WDVM-TV was there and recorded the festivities and interviewed Ed. There was a very nice clip on TV on Sunday and Monday.
Thanks to Scott who provided the coffee and donuts to fuel us up in the morning! Thanks to Donnie Wood and the Front Porch Boys for entertaining us with live country music!
The Alzheimers Association Greater Maryland Chapter folks were there and expressed their great appreciation for all the club has done in raising much needed funds for their local needs. Due to the money Heart of Maryland Classic Chevy Club members have raised, they are able to provide services that would otherwise need to be cut due to lack of funding. Representing the Alzheimer’s Association under their new purple tent: Ellen Torres, Development Director; Cathy Hanson, Program Manager; Ann Hardy; Justin Miller; Kathy Siggins-Brooks; JD Brooks; Ronnie Osterman; Chris Smith; and Tammy Payton, Development Assistant.
During the day we were able to give out 20 $25 Shell Gift Cards to participants – thanks to JR & Joanne of Aspen Hill Shell who donated the Gift Cards!.
At the Chinese Raffle, we had some really special items. Many thanks to Bev, Alice, Sissy, Lynda, Janet and Linda who made up the baskets and donated items.
A special shout out to Boy Scout Troop 460 from Mount Airy who came out again this year to help us with a lot of running around the parking lot, emptying trash cans, helping with parking, manning the Spectator Gate and at the Moon Bounce. They were also selling sno-cones, which were welcome on such a hot afternoon! It was a long day for them, but they really liked the cars and trucks – especially the loud ones!

The auction was a huge success. Several participants in the show actually showed up with some neat contributions to the auction. Some of the highlights of the auction were the Estate Planning donated by Scott A. Morrison, a hand painted custom guitar donated by Mark Naylor, a neat wall clock made by Ed Zimmerman, some yard art made by Jim Riggs, a nice Craftsman tool box donated by Mount Airy Ace Hardware, a cool folding wagon donated by Mount Airy NAPA, a very neat Harley Davidson gift bucket prepared by Carol Davidson, lots of gift certificates, car care items, banners (garage art!), collectibles, and lots more. You never know what’s going to show up at the auction. Many thanks to members who unpacked and displayed all the “stuff” and Peggy Kaplan, Bob Clubb and Kingsley Edwards who served as our clerks. Thanks to JR and Joanne Rosenberger for providing the great big top tent for lots of shade! And of course thanks to Roger Rothenhoefer (he’s got a 1949 Chevy Fleetline) our exceptional auctioneer!
Many thanks to John Chance who arranged with the Law Mall to let us cover the No Parking signs again. I don’t know where we would have parked all those spectators! And thanks to the Frederick County DPW for allowing us to use their parking lot.
Many thanks to Butch and Sissy for organizing all the vendor stuff!
The Event Program, dash plaques and award designs by Sissy Riley were exceptional (as always!). Thank you to all who worked to make the 25th Annual Alzheimer’s Show a huge success. Thanks to those who came out to help set up, worked registration, collected from participants, parked cars, tallied votes, worked the auction, sold t-shirts, sold raffle tickets, sold 50/50 tickets, gave out door prizes, moved porta-pots (it was fun to watch, too!), worked the sound system, cleaned up the trash afterwards, and more!
Thanks to our club members for all their hard work the day of the show, in advance preparations and in the followup. Special thanks to our Hardworking Non-Members JR & Joanne and Murl & Debbie and Bob Clubb & Kingsley Edwards. You guys are great!
Thank you to MVA for letting us host our show at their location.
Thank you to Robert Clubb Associates for sponsoring the trophies and awards.
Thank you to all the sponsors for their generous donations to allow us to put on this show.
Thanks to the other clubs and organizations who came out to support us.
It was great to see a lot of new faces and familiar faces!
Thanks to Eric Stonesifer and his business Triple Creek Landscaping & Tree Service who provided a lift for the sound system. By lifting the speakers high, they were much more audible. Thank you!
Out of all the fantastic vehicles on the showfield, here’s our list of winners!
Congratulations to The Top 30!
Richard Bostic with his 1939 Chevy
Ronnie Cline with his 1960 Chevy Impala
Tim Smith with his 1954 Kaiser Darren
Bill Harrison with his 1969 Plymouth Road Runner
Michael Locke with his 1937 Ford Custom Coupe
Wayne Eyler with his 1930 Oldsmobile 4 door sedan
Scott Bunker with his 1936 White 706 Touring Coach
Charles Geisbert with his 1968 Chevelle
Dan Kern with his 1973 Seaford
Laurel Tukar with a 1964 Plymouth Barracuda
Rodney Lewis with a 1971 Mustang
Bob Galla with a 1967 Chevy 2
Tony Morone with his 1973 VW Beetle
Hunter Fanney with a 1929 Model A
Shelly Kraus with a 1985 El Camino
Gary Fee with his 1969 Camaro
Ray & Betty Booth with their 1939 Chevy Coupe
Dave Cunningham with his 1966 Chevy SS
Dave Grimm with his 1932 Ford
George Donaldson with his 1932 Ford 2 door
Gene Dickinson with a 1950 Ford Coupe
Pam Caprola with her car (oops! Sorry - no one wrote this down!)
Charlie Krupsaw with his Harley Trike
Bill Stafficki with his 1957 Chevy Convertible
Owen Garland with his 1951 Ford Tudor
Estes Thompson with a 1966 El Camino
Steven Kimmel with his 1958 Ford
James Cannaday with his 1970 Torino
Norman Taylor with his 1969 Ford Ranchero
George Margelos with his 1966 Chevelle
The Mike Miner Memorial Choice Award was won by David Berman with his 1932 Ford Roadster.
The Boy Scout Troop 460 Special Award went to Dave Grimm with his (loud!) 1932 Ford.
The Alzheimer’s Association Choice Award was won by Steve Lakiatos with his 1969 Chevy Pickup.
The Zimmerman Family Memorial Award was won by Joe Mecler with his ’55 Chevy.
The Ladies Choice Award was won by Tom Smith with his 1954 Kaiser.
The Peoples Choice Award was won by Mary Burnett with her 1965 Chevy El Camino.
Club Participation was won by Golden Gears Car Club of Frederick with 21 cars and lots of people.
This year, we did two 50/50’s. The am 50/50 was won by Charlie Miller, who won $591. The pm 50/50 of $292 was won by Chuck Lockery.
Congratulations to the winners of The Alzheimer’s Special Raffle Items:
$1,000 was won by Bob Clubb
The checkerboard EZ Up tent was won by Stacy Long
The battery powered ’57 Chevy was won by JR Rosenberger
Many thanks to all who came out and all who helped out!