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Show Flyers
& Awards
Tid Bits
Photos by Sissy Riley

Clicke here to view all the photos
We could not have asked for a more beautiful day! In twenty years, we have only had to use the raindate twice - in 1995 and in 2002. The weather was perfect for a car show, and by 7:00 the cars and trucks started rolling in for a show that was supposed to start at 10:00! Wow. By the end of the day, we had more than 431 cars and trucks on the show field! |
Jonathan Hagerty and his family with their new Raffle Rod. He was the lucky winner of the raffle which will ben-efit the Alzheimer’s Association! |
Special thanks to Golden Gears who donated $1,000 and also to Sugarloaf Mountain AACA who donated $500, to indi-viduals who made sizeable donations: Janice & Thomas Crone, Robert & Pat Lee, Steven Schweinfurth, and Kingsley Edwards. |

A special shout out to Boy Scout Troop 460 from Mount Airy who came out again this year to help us with a lot of running around the parking lot, emptying trash cans, helping with parking, manning the Spectator Gate and at the Moon Bounce. |
The auction was a huge success. It lasted well over 2 hours -
several participants in the show actually showed up with some neat contributions to the auction. |

Many thanks to Tracey, Earl’s daughter, who did an outstanding job facepainting!

Congrats to Frank Baker who survived his second Alzheimers Show as President and did a great job and to Bev Baker who did a fantastic job her second time out with the official clipboard keeping everything running on time! |
The Top 30 Winners
Congratulations to The Top 30!
Robert Cline Jr with his 1922 Model T Ford Turtle-back
Paul Caprarola with his 1968 Camaro
Owen & Wanda Garland with their 1951Ford Tu-dor Custom
Suzy & Mike Manherz with their 1923 American Touring Car
Jason Witter with his 1977 Leyland Mini
Ron Young with his 1962 Golden Anniversary Im-pala
Cletus Barnes with his 1948 Woody
Dave Jones with his 1939 Ford Roadster
Lee Weber with a 1965 Pontiac Catalina 2 Door Hardtop
Butch Swanson with a 1933 Plymouth
Cathy Rawlett with her 1955 Chevy
Bill & Trudy Crainford with their 1979 Malibu
Mike Templeton with his 1956 Chevy convertible
Bill Fowler with his 1957 Chevy BelAir
Brian Merriman with his 1932 Ford Pickup
Kenny Prevtniuy with his 1934 Chevy sedan
Bernie Good with his 1957 Ford Fairlane
Ed & Mary Allen with their 1957 Chevy convertible
Harold Henderson with his 1966 Corvette roadster
Ryan Welch with his 1935 Ford truck
Ralph McCarter with his 1956 Ford sedan delivery
Pat Groves with a 1928 Ford sedan
Bill Groves with a 1932 Desoto coupe
Larry Roche with his 1961 Impala
Ken Martin with a 1956 Ford F-100
Keith & Debby Jackson with their 1929 Essex Coupe
Steve Lamphier with his 1964 Studebaker Pickup
Bob & Sandy Templeton with their 1964 Chevelle
Tater Pruitt with his 1955 Chevy 2 door sedan
Allen Bowie with his 1969 Corvette
The Zimmerman Family Memorial
was won by Harold DeNenno with his 1940 Ford Convertible

The Ladies Choice Award
was won by Charles Nicol with his 1951 Chevy Convertible.

The Boy Scout Troop 460 Special
Award went to Dean Hanson with his 1987 Mercedes Benz Unimog.

The Alzheimer’s Association Choice
was won by Larry Scislowicz with his 1966 Ford Cobra Replica

The Peoples Choice
was won by Terry Shanholtz with a 1966 Corvette Coupe
Many thanks to young Noah who drew the winning tickets in the Raffle Rod Giveaway and 10 winners of $100 cash: McNally, Ken Gordon, Tess Gladhill, Eric Stonesifer, Gary Maier, Michael Everett, Rick Gratz, C. Wireman, Z. Porta and Jeff Decker.
We gave away 20 $25 Shell Gas gift cards donated by PEH, Blackie Willis and arranged for by JR and Jo-Anne Rosenberger of Aspen Hill Shell.
We gave away 10 $10 Subway gift cards donated by Flick's Auto Body, Tablers Auto Clinic, Riggs Land-scaping, Inc., Aspen Hill Shell and HMCCC.


Club Participation
was won by Golden Gears Car Club of Frederick with 29 cars and lots of people. They have 66 members in their club, and most of them were at our show! We had 14 cars from Ghost Ryderz, 20 cars from AACA and 6 cars from the Misfits. 53 differ-ent car clubs were represented.
President: Frank Baker 410-840-8089
Vice President: Ed Zimmerman
301-865-5270 ezclassics@comcast.net
Treasurer: Butch Riley
Secretary: Linda Riggs 301-829-0171 riggs57@comcast.net
Sergeant at Arms Paul Schneider
Spider Woman Sissy Riley (she
tends our web!) http://www.hmccc.50g.com/
Club Email Address: 567hmccc@comcast.net
Newsletter Editor Carroll Anderson
7018 Willow Tree Drive Middletown, MD 21769
email: c.g.anderson@comcast.net or phone:
Contributions to the newsletter are welcome and
publication in the newsletter are encouraged. If you have a tech
tip, commentary, cartoon, item or article of interest or anything
you wish to share with fellow members, please send to the above
Maryland State
Representatives For Classic Chevy International
Ed Zimmerman New Market, MD EZClassics@comcast.net
April Grammont Westminster MD (410)
876-8898 aprilg57@aol.com

CCI memberships are $39.99 per year and include a
monthly magazine with tech tips, news and a parts catalog for stock
& performance items for 1955 to 1972 Chevys