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Article by Linda Riggs
Photos by Sissy Riley

We could not have asked for a more beautiful day! In twenty years, we have only had to use the raindate twice - in 1995 and in 2002. The weather was perfect for a car show, and by 7:30 the cars and trucks started rolling in for a show that was supposed to start at 10:00! Wow. By the end of the day, we had more than 382 cars and trucks on the show field! |
Special thanks to JR and Joanne Rosenberger and Aspen Hill Shell who donated $2,114.55, Golden Gears who donated $1,000, to Pat Kelly who donated $2,000, to Sugarloaf Mountain AACA who donated $500, to Tom & Chris Crone who donated $500 in memory of Chris’s mom who recently passed away due to Alzheimers, to William Hipkins who donated $500 and
to Kingsley Edwards who donated $250 and to Cheryl Gendron for her donation. |
The Alzheimers Association Greater Maryland Chapter presented us with a very nice plaque of appreciation for all the club has done in raising much needed funds for their local needs. Due to the money Heart of Maryland Classic Chevy Club members have raised, they are able to provide services that would otherwise need to be cut due to lack of funding. |

The biggest shock came when Scott Morrison presented us with a sizeable donation from the estate of a gentleman who specified that his money be given to a charity which helped older people. The $200,000 check will help the Alzheimers Association Greater Maryland Chapter help a lot of families affected by Alzheimers in our area. (yes, the number of zeros is correct - $200,000!).

A special shout out to Boy Scout Troop 460 from Mount Airy who came out this year to help us with a lot of running around the parking lot, emptying trash cans, helping with parking and at the Moon Bounce. It was a long day for them, but they really liked the cars. Hopefully they’ll be back next year again to help out!
We had more vendors than ever before, and everyone seemed to enjoy doing some browsing and shopping. Many thanks to Butch and Sissy for organizing all the vendor stuff and to Jim Riggs for helping Butch mark out the spaces in advance. |

The auction was a huge success. It lasted well over 2 hours - several participants in the show actually showed up with some neat contributions to the auction. Some of the highlights of the auction were the Estate Planning donated by Scott A. Morrison, a hand painted custom mailbox donated by Mark Naylor (to see his designs, go to www.dentmansdesigns.com), gift certificates, car care items, banners (garage art!), 75 & 80 memorabilia, collectible dolls, and lots more.
There was a beautiful guitar donated in honor of Luie Nieves, a craftsman with golden hands who was an Alzheimer’s patient and passed away on September 6, 2010. You never know what’s going to show up at the auction. Many thanks to members who unpacked and displayed all the “stuff” and Peggy Kaplan, Marsha Z, Pam Cioffi, and Bob Clubb who served as our clerks.
Thanks to JR and Joanne Rosenberger for providing the great big top tent for lots of shade on a very sunny day! And of course thanks to Roger Rothenhoefer (he’s got a 1949 Chevy Fleetline) our exceptional auctioneer this year!
Thank you to Auctioneer John Roop of Roop’s Auction Service, Walkersville, MD who hooked us up with our auctioneer this year, Roger, who really had a great time and we enjoyed him, too!
Thank you to MVA for letting us host our show at their location.
Thank you to Barefoot Bernies and Cancun Cantina West for sponsoring the dash plaques.
Thank you to Robert Clubb Associates for sponsoring the trophies and awards.
Thank you to Frall Developers, Inc. for sponsoring the all-important porta-pots.
Thank you to all the sponsors for their generous donations to allow us to put on this show.
Thanks to the other clubs and organizations who came out to support us.
Thanks to Critical Power who donated the use of their generator. We would have been totally lost without it!
Many thanks to Galen W who built us a nifty new paper towel and sanitizer holder (on wheels no less!) which we put to good use!
We gave away 20 $25 Shell Gas gift cards donated by PEH, Blackie Willis
and arranged for by JR and JoAnne Rosenberger of Aspen Hill Shell.
We gave away 10 $10 Subway gift cards donated by Flick's Auto Body, Tablers Auto Clinic, Damascus Community Bank and T+T Performance
Max Sinclair of Phoenix, AZ won $500 in the Raffle Rod cash giveaway.
Neil Owens of Rocky Ridge won $300 in the Raffle Rod cash giveaway.
Mike Clay won $100 in the Raffle Rod cash giveaway.
Al Parsons won $100 in the Raffle Rod cash giveaway.
The 50/50 of $739.50 was won by Gordon Geesey who donated $200 of it back to the Alzheimer’s Association. Wow!!! |
The Top 30 Winners
Mike Kefauver with a 1959 English Ford Panel Truck
Ann Quesenberry with a 1929 Ford Model A
Gary Ledbetter with a 1961 Pontiac Ventura
Wayne Lewns with a 1969 Plymouth Road Runner
Bob & June Zimmerman with a 1955 Chevy ½ Ton Pickup
Lee & Ken Edwards with a 1957 Chevy 210 Delray
Jason Parker with a 1968 GT 500 KR Mustang
Sylvia Winpigler with a 1956 Ford Fairlane
Linda Yinger with a 1968 Road Runner
Patricia Anderson with a 2005 Softail Deluxe
Neal Owens with a 1972 Buick Riviera
Michael Miner with a 1932 Ford Roadster
Gary Fee with a 1969 Camaro
Robert Cline with a 1922 Ford Model T
Trey Stamen with a 1938 Chevy Pickup
Bernie Good with a 1957 Ford Fairlane
Scott Hutchinson with a 1929 2 door
Howard Parzow with a 1967 Corvette Coupe
Debra Green with a 1968 Ford Mustang
Steve Gamphiel with a 1936 Ford wagon
Owen Garland with a 1951 Ford Tudor Custom
Jeff & Dottie Miller with a 1961 Plymouth Fury
Ron Young with a 1962 Golden Anniversary Chevy Impala
Johnny Marinker with a 1962 Chevy C-10 Pickup
Stephen Mele with a 1971 Camaro
John Kushner with a 1969 Hurst Olds
Cynthia Newman with a 1955 Chevy Pickup
Wayne Lee with a 1969 Dodge Super Bee
Dave Winningham with a 1966 Chevy II SS
Ken Johnson with a 1962 Chevy Impala SS |
The Zimmerman Family Memorial
was won by Robert Lillard with his Model T Ford.

The Ladies Choice Award
was won by Richard Glymph with his 1960 T-Bird |
The Boy Scout Troop 460 Special
Award went to Earle Barnes with his 2012 Camaro
The Alzheimer’s Association Choice
was won by Al Vogel with his 1956 Handyman Wagon. 
The Peoples Choice
was won by Stephen Mele with his 1971 CamARO
Club Participation
was won by Golden Gears Car Club of Frederick with 36 cars and lots of people.
They have 66 members in their club, and most of them were at our show!

President: Frank Baker 410-840-8089
Vice President: Ed Zimmerman
301-865-5270 ezclassics@comcast.net
Treasurer: Butch Riley
Secretary: Linda Riggs 301-829-0171 riggs57@comcast.net
Sergeant at Arms Paul Schneider
Spider Woman Sissy Riley (she
tends our web!) http://www.hmccc.50g.com/
Club Email Address: 567hmccc@comcast.net
Newsletter Editor Carroll Anderson
7018 Willow Tree Drive Middletown, MD 21769
email: c.g.anderson@comcast.net or phone:
Contributions to the newsletter are welcome and
publication in the newsletter are encouraged. If you have a tech
tip, commentary, cartoon, item or article of interest or anything
you wish to share with fellow members, please send to the above
Maryland State
Representatives For Classic Chevy International
Ed Zimmerman New Market, MD EZClassics@comcast.net
April Grammont Westminster MD (410)
876-8898 aprilg57@aol.com

CCI memberships are $39.99 per year and include a
monthly magazine with tech tips, news and a parts catalog for stock
& performance items for 1955 to 1972 Chevys