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Sunday, September 19, 2010
We could not have asked for a more beautiful day! The weather was perfect for a car show, and by 7:30 the cars and trucks started rolling in for a show that was supposed to start at 10:00! Wow. By the end of the day, we had 376 cars, trucks and motorcycles registered.
Butch is still counting the money we made selling t-shirts, the raffles, the auction, registration, spectator’s gate and donations. Special thanks to Golden Gears who donated $1,200 to
the cause, to Pat Kelly who donated $1,000, and to
Sugarloaf Mountain AACA who donated $500, Kingsley The auction was a huge success. It lasted 2 hours - several participants in the show actually showed up with some neat contributions to the auction. Some of the highlights of the auction were the Estate Planning donated by Scott A. Morrison, a beautiful handpainted custom mailbox donated by Mark Naylor (to see his designs, go to www.dentmansdesigns.com), some Coke collectibles, gift certificates, neon signs, car care items, banners (garage art!), a neat metal Chevy tool box, Disney World passes, mufflers, a round of golf, a remote start kit which included installation, a bushel of crabs and more. You never know what’s going to show up at the auction! Many thanks to Teresa S and Sharon who unpacked and displayed all the “stuff” and Peggy Kaplan. Marsha Z and Beth Smith who served as our clerks. Thanks to JR and Joanne Rosenberger for providing the great big top tent for lots of shade on a very sunny day!
The moon bounce, sponsored by Harmony Dental Lab, was a huge hit. Many thanks to Shrek – Rick DeBow who courageously supervised the moon bounce all day! We had several members who manned the Spectator’s Gate, including Ed Ruble, John Stein and Michelle Haczewski and the take at the Spectator’s Gate was terrific – definitely worth standing out in the road with our hands out!! Many thanks to John Chance who arranged with the Law Mall to let us cover the No Parking signs again. I don’t know where we would have parked all those spectators! We had more vendors than ever before, and everyone seemed to enjoy doing some browsing and shopping. State Farm Insurance was there offering free VIN etching, and the Alzheimer’s Association set up a table with information just to name a few! Event Program by Sissy Riley - to place an ad for 2011, please contact Sissy at 567hmccc@comcast.net. Thank you to Sissy Riley and Earl Chesley for their work on the program. Thank you to Show Chair Earl Chesley and co-chairs: Ed & Marsha Zimmerman, Butch & Sissy Riley, Linda & Jim Riggs and the rest of the Alzheimer’s Show committee and Heart of Maryland members. Thank you to Auctioneer John Roop of Roop’s Auction Service, Walkersville, MD. Thank you to MVA for letting us host our show at their location. Thank you to Barefoot Bernies and Cancun Cantina West for sponsoring the dash plaques. Thank you to Robert Clubb Associates for sponsoring the trophies and awards. Thank you to Frall Developers, Inc. for sponsoring the all-important porta-pots. Thank you to all the sponsors for their generous donations to allow us to put on this show. Thanks to our club members for all their hard work today and in advance preparations. Special thanks to our Non-Members Frank Burdette, JR and Joanne and Murl and Debbie and Dawn Z. You guys are great! Thanks to the other clubs and organizations who came out to support us. Thanks to Critical Power who donated the use of their generator. We would have been totally lost without it! Here’s our list of winners!
The Top 30! The Alzheimer’s Association Choice Award was won by Wayne Ausherman with his 1956 Corvette. The Zimmerman Family Memorial Award was won by Gordan Geesey with his 1969 GTO.
The Ladies Choice Award was won by Charlie Krupshaw with his 1964 Harley Davidson trike. It looked fun to ride and had room to go shopping! The Peoples Choice Award was won by Pat Fox with his 1959 Buick Electra. Club Participation was won by Golden Gears Car Club of Frederick with 40 cars and lots of people. They have 66 members in their club, and most of them were at our show! The 50/50 of $773 was won by Keith Baumgardner of Thurmont. The Gas Pump Drawing was won by Dave Beute of Libertytown who has 4 Fords. He bought $5 worth of tickets at the show. Interestingly, one of the tickets was #718 and his birthday is 7/18!
We gave away 18 Savings Bonds: Savings Bond Sponsors: |
President: Frank Baker Vice President: Treasurer: Butch Riley Secretary: Linda Riggs Sergeant at Arms Spider Woman Club Email Address: 567hmccc@comcast.net Newsletter Editor email: c.g.anderson@comcast.net Contributions to the newsletter are welcome and encouraged!
MEMBER SUBMITTALS for publication in the newsletter are encouraged. If you have a tech tip, commentary, cartoon, item or article of interest or anything you wish to share with fellow members, please send to the above address. Maryland State Ed Zimmerman April Grammont CCI memberships are $39.99 per year and include a monthly magazine with tech tips, news and a parts catalog for stock & performance items for 1955 to 1972 Chevys